自動車V2X(Vehicle to Everything)通信の世界市場:V2V、V2I、V2P、V2H、IN-V、ITS、Car-to-X、コネクテッドカー...市場調査レポートについてご紹介

【英文タイトル】Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communications Market Report 2015-2025 : Leading Companies for V2V,V2I,V2P,V2H,IN-V,ITS, Car-to-X & Connected Car



1. Report Overview
1.1 V2X Communications Market 2015-2025: V2V, V2I, V2P, V2H, IN-V
1.2 V2X Market Segmentation Overview
1.3 Why You Should Read This Report
1.4 How This Report Delivers
1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include:
1.6 Who is This Report For?
1.7 Methodology
1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports
1.10 About Visiongain

2. Introduction to the V2X Communications Market
2.1 Overview of the Global V2V-V2I Market Status in 2015
2.1.1 The NHTSA Aims to Mandate V2V in All New Cars
2.1.2 The European Commission Announces Europe’s New Connected Car Standards
2.1.3 OEMs & Tier-1s Showcase V2V and V2I Technology
2.2 The Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications Market
2.3 Learn Which Wireless Communication Technologies Enable V2X
2.3.1 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) for V2V and V2I
2.3.2 Cellular: LTE-4G for V2V-V2I Communication
2.3.3 GPS for V2V-V2I Communication
2.3.4 Sensors for V2V-V2I Communication
2.4 Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication
2.4.1 Overview of the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Applications
2.4.2 V2V Communications Market Segmentation Overview
2.5 Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication
2.5.1 Overview of the V2I Applications
2.5.2 V2I Segmentation Overview
2.6 Vehicle-to-Pedestrians (V2P) Communication
2.7 Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) Communication
2.8 In-Vehicle (IN-V) Communication
2.9 Market Definition-The V2X & V2V-V2I Markets
2.10 V2X, V2V & V2I Market Segmentation Overview

3. Global V2X Communications Market Forecast 2015-2025
3.1 V2X Submarket Shares Forecast Summary 2015, 2020, 2025
3.2 Global V2V Communication Market Forecast 2015-2025
3.2.1 Global V2V Communications Market Status in 2015
3.2.2 Global V2V Penetration In New Car Sales Forecast 2015-2025
3.2.3 Learn Why V2V Penetration in New Car Sales is Low in 2015
3.2.4 DSRC for Global V2V Communications
3.2.5 Global V2V Market Segmentation Forecast 2015-2025: OEM vs Aftermarket Revenues from Aftermarket & OEM DSRC Modules 2015-2025 Market Shares Forecast Summary of OEM and Aftermarket DSRC-Installation Revenues In 2015, 2020, 2025
3.3 Global V2I Communications Market Forecast 2014-2024
3.3.1 Learn What Are the Reasons For a Low V2I Penetration in 2015 and the potentials for growth in US and European Market
3.3.2 Global V2I Penetration in New Car Sales Forecast 2015-2025
3.3.3 Road Side Units (RSU) Installations Forecast 2015-2025
3.4 Global Vehicle-to-Pedestrians (V2P) Market Forecast 2015-2025
3.4.1 Revenues from DSRC-Enabled Smartphones Forecast 2015-2025
3.4.2 DSRC Penetration in New Smartphone Sales Forecast 2015-2025
3.4.3 Smartphone Shipments Forecast 2015-2025
3.4.4 Smartphone Subscriptions & Total Mobile Subscriptions Forecast Summary 2014 & 2020
3.4.5 Drivers & Restraints of the V2P Communications Submarket
3.5 Global V2H Communications Submarket Forecast 2015-2025
3.5.1 Global V2H Penetration in New Vehicle Sales Forecast 2015-2025
3.5.2 Drivers & Restraints of the V2H Communications Submarket
3.6 Global IN-V Communications Submarket Forecast 2015-2025
3.6.1 Revenues Forecast from Cars With IN-V Modules 2015-2025
3.6.2 IN-V Communications Submarket Segmentation Forecast 2015-25 IN-V Submarket Forecast 2015-25 by Type of Connectivity IN-V Submarket Forecast 2015-25 by Service Provider
3.7 Global V2V Material, Commodity and Other Costs and the influence on Consumers’ Demand (modelling approach)
3.7.1 Cost Components in Vehicle Manufacture per Category of costs
3.7.2 Cost Components for Each Country and Car Manufacturer Individually
3.8 Global V2V Communication and ADAS Systems
3.8.1 Most Innovative Car Manufacturers in Communication and ADAS Systems and the Number of Suppliers per region
3.9 Global V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers
3.10 Global V2X Legal Framework Analysis
3.11 Ventures Capitals investing in the Connected Car industry

4. Regional V2X Market Forecast 2015-2025
4.1 Regional V2V Communications Submarket Forecast 2015-2025
4.1.1 Regional V2V Market Share Forecast Summary 2015, 2020, 2025
4.1.2 How Different Motivations Behind V2V Communications Will Lead to Different Regional Penetration of V2V
4.1.3 How Differences in Spectrum Allocation Among Different Regions Affect the Global Standardization of V2V Communications
4.2 Regional V2I Communications Submarket Forecast 2014-2024
4.2.1 Regional V2I Market Share Forecast Summary 2015, 2020, 2025
4.3 Regional IN-V Communications Market Forecast 2015-2025
4.3.1 Regional IN-V Market Share Forecast Summary 2015, 2020, 2025
4.4 Passenger Car Sales Data: Historical 2005-2014 & Forecast 2015-25
4.4.1 Historical Regional Passenger Car Sales 2005-2014
4.4.2 Regional Passenger Car Sales Market Shares 2005, 2010, 2014
4.4.3 Regional Passenger Car Sales Forecast 2015-2025
4.4.4 Regional Market Shares Forecast of P. Car Sales 2015, 2020, 2025
4.5 US V2V Equipment Cost In New and Old Car Forecast 2014-2024
4.5.1 V2V Data transfer cost for consumers and profit margins for communication companies
4.6 V2V Market Forecast and Analysis for US region
4.6.1US V2V Forecasting In Three Scenarios
4.6.2 US V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers
4.6.3 Model approach for the automotive and V2X industry in USA
4.7 Legal Framework Analysis for US and UK
4.7.1 US V2X Legal Framework and Standards
4.7.2 European V2X Legal Framework and Standards
4.8 UK V2V Forecasting in different levels of Automation
4.9 China V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers
4.10 Japan V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers

5. SWOT Analysis of the V2X Market 2015-2025
5.1 SWOT Analysis of the V2V Communications Market 2015-2025
5.2 SWOT Analysis of the V2I Communications Market 2015-2025

6. Expert Opinion
6.1 Expert Opinion – Arada Systems
6.1.1 Arada Systems’ Role in the V2V & V2I Market
6.1.2 Arada Systems on Their Business Model and Competitive Advantage
6.1.3 Arada Systems on the Mass-Market Deployment of V2V and V2X Technology
6.1.4 Arada Systems on the NHTSA’s Mandate for V2V Technology
6.1.5 Arada Systems on the Issue of Hacking of V2X Devices
6.1.6 Arada Systems on the Evolution of V2X Technology to Autonomous & Self-Driving Cars
6.1.7 Arada Systems on its Plans for the Future
6.2 Expert Opinion – eTrans Systems
6.2.1 eTrans Systems’ Role in the V2V & V2X Market
6.2.2 eTrans Systems on the Issue of Hacking of V2V and V2X Devices
6.2.3 eTrans Systems on the NHTSA Regulations for V2V and its Effects on the Consumer Market
6.2.4 eTrans Systems on the Major Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Market for V2X Technology
6.2.5 eTrans Systems on the Lack of Funded Plans for V2I Infrastructure
6.2.6 eTrans Systems on Its Partnerships with Large Automotive Companies in the V2X Market
6.2.7 eTrans Systems On Their Vision for the Future
6.3 Expert Opinion-Savari
6.3.1 Savari’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
6.3.2 Savari on the DSRC Communications Technology
6.3.3 Savari on the DSRC, WiFi & LTE in V2V & V2I Communications
6.3.4 Savari on NHTSA’s Mandate
6.3.5 Savari’s on the Drivers of the V2V & V2I Market
6.3.6 Savari’s Role in ITS in Ann Arbor & Future Collaborations
6.3.7 Savari on the Technical & Business Challenges In V2V-V2I Markets
6.3.8 Savari On Which Geographies Are Expected to Record Growth
6.3.9 Savari on DSRC-Enabled Smartphones
6.3.10 Savari on the Future V2V-V2I Applications
6.3.11 Savari’s Vision for the Next 5 Years
6.4 Expert Opinion-Cohda Wireless
6.4.1 Cohda’s Product Offerings in the V2V & V2I Market
6.4.2 Cohda’s on DSRC As a Standard For V2V Communications
6.4.3 Cohda On the Growth Drivers in the V2V Communications Market
6.4.4 Cohda on How V2V Will Lead to Automated Cars
6.4.5 Cohda On the Challenges That V2V-V2I Face
6.4.6 Cohda On V2P, DSRC-enabled Smartphones & V2V Applications
6.4.7 Cohda On the Penetration Rates in the V2V-V2I Market

7. Leading Companies in the V2V & V2I Market
7.1 Leading OEMs in the V2V & V2I Market
7.2 BMW AG Company Overview
7.2.1 BMW’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.3 Daimler AG Company Overview
7.3.1 Daimler’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.4 General Motors (GM) Company Overview
7.4.1 GM’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.5 Toyota Motor Company Overview
7.5.1 Toyota’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.5.2 Toyota on the FCC’s Proposed Rulemaking To Open 5.9 GHz Band
7.6 Volkswagen Group AG Company Overview
7.6.1 VW’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.7 Leading Suppliers, Tier-1s in the V2V & V2I Market
7.8 Arada Systems Company Overview
7.8.1 Arada Systems’ Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.9 Autotalks Ltd. Company Overview
7.9.1 Autotalks’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.9.2 Autotalks’s Products in the V2V & V2I Market
7.10 Cohda Wireless Company Overview
7.10.1 Cohda’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.10.2 Cohda’s Products in the V2V & V2I Market
7.11 Delphi Automotive PLC Company Overview
7.11.1 Delphi’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.12 Denso Corporation Company Overview
7.12.1 Denso’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.12.2 Denso’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market
7.13 eTrans Systems Company Overview
7.13.1 eTrans Systems’ Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.14 Kapsch TrafficCom Company Overview
7.14.1 Kapsch’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.14.2 Kapsch’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market
7.14.3 Kapsch’s Acquisitions
7.15 Qualcomm Incorporated Company Overview
7.15.1 Qualcomm’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.15.2 Qualcomm’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market
7.16 Savari Inc. Company Overview
7.16.1 Savari’s Role in the V2V & V2X Market
7.16.2 Savari’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market
7.17 Other Leading Companies in the V2V & V2I Market

8. Conclusions
8.1 Key Findings from Our Research
8.1.1 V2V & V2I Penetration in New Vehicle Sales Forecast 2014-2024
8.2 What Will Drive Demand in the V2X Market From 2015 to 2025?
8.3 Learn Which Connectivity Technology is Most Suitable to Support V2V and V2I: DSRC, Wi-Fi, LTE, or LIDAR?
8.4 DSRC Revenue Allocation in The V2X Market Throughout 2015-25

10. Glossary


■ タイトル:自動車V2X(Vehicle to Everything)通信の世界市場:V2V、V2I、V2P、V2H、IN-V、ITS、Car-to-X、コネクテッドカー
■ 英文:Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communications Market Report 2015-2025 : Leading Companies for V2V,V2I,V2P,V2H,IN-V,ITS, Car-to-X & Connected Car
■ 発行日:2015年9月
■ 調査会社:visiongain
■ 商品コード:VGAIN5100101
■ 調査対象地域:グローバル
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